Rehabilitation Protocol After Shoulder Stabilization Surgery According to PD Dr. Florian Grubhofer 


Dear Patients, 

Proper rehabilitation following shoulder stabilization surgery is essential to ensure optimal healing and recovery. Please follow the phases outlined below: 

Phase 1: Immediately After Surgery – First 14 Days 

• Strict immobilization in a sling is essential for proper healing. Wearing the sling consistently is a key requirement for successful treatment. 

• Pain management: Pain medication should be taken as needed, up to the prescribed maximum dose. If no pain is present, medication can be omitted. 

• Cold therapy: Cold packs may be applied to reduce pain. Important: Always place a towel between the skin and the cold pack to prevent frostbite. 

• Movement: 

• Fingers, wrist, and elbow may be moved actively. 

• Passive pendulum exercises may be started from the 3rd postoperative day onward. 

• Wound care: 

• Between the 10th and 14th postoperative day, the wound dressing and sutures should be removed by your primary care physician. 

• If absorbable sutures were used, no removal is necessary, but a medical check-up should still be performed by your primary care physician or PD Dr. Florian Grubhofer. 

Phase 2: 3rd to 6th Postoperative Week 

• The sling must continue to be worn at all times. 

• Passive movements: 

• In addition to pendulum exercises, passive range-of-motion exercises using the healthy arm are now allowed. 

• Driving restrictions: As long as the sling is worn, driving is not permitted. 

• Physical therapy: 

• The therapist will guide and supervise the exercises. 

• Patients should perform their rehabilitation exercises independently on a regular basis. 

Phase 3: 7th to 12th Postoperative Week 

• The sling may now be discontinued. 

• Active range-of-motion exercises are allowed. 

• Restrictions: 

• The combined abduction and external rotation movement (throwing motion) is still prohibited until the 12th postoperative week. 

• No weight-bearing on the arm during this phase. 

• Pain management: 

• Mild discomfort (up to 3 out of 10 on the pain scale) is acceptable. 

• If pain exceeds this level, exercises should be adjusted or reduced. 

Phase 4: 13th to 16th Postoperative Week 

• Full range of motion is now permitted, including the throwing motion. 

• Beginning of strengthening: 

• Light resistance exercises (3 to 5 kg) may be started. 

• Consistent daily training is required. 

• Physical therapy: 

• Continue therapy 1 to 2 times per week for exercise progression and supervision. 

• Pain thresholds should still be respected, as outlined in Phase 3. 

Phase 5: 17th to 24th Postoperative Week 

• Full weight-bearing is now allowed. 

• Sports activities may be resumed. 

• Contact sports are permitted, provided clearance is given by PD Dr. Florian Grubhofer at the 3-month follow-up appointment. 

Best regards, 

PD Dr. Florian Grubhofer