Dear Patients,
Proper rehabilitation following biceps tenodesis is essential to restore full function and ensure a pain-free outcome. Please follow these structured phases carefully to achieve the best possible result.
Phase 1: Immediately Postoperative (Days 1–14)
• Sling Requirement: The arm must be kept in a sling until wound healing is complete.
• Movement:
• Fingers, wrist, and elbow may be moved freely.
• Shoulder movement: Three times daily, passive and active range-of-motion exercises may be performed.
• Weight-Bearing: No lifting or load-bearing for the first 6 postoperative weeks.
Phase 2: 3rd to 6th Postoperative Week
• Movement:
• Full range of motion is now allowed, both passive and active.
• Weight-Bearing: Still no lifting or load-bearing in daily activities.
• Sling: The sling may now be discontinued.
• Driving Restrictions: Driving is not permitted while the sling is still in use.
• Wound Care: Between postoperative days 10 and 14, the dressing should be removed by the primary care physician or PD Dr. Florian Grubhofer.
Phase 3: 7th to 12th Postoperative Week
• Strength Training Begins:
• Light resistance training (3–5 kg) is now permitted.
• Range of Motion: Full mobility is now allowed.
• Sling: Should no longer be worn.
Phase 4: From the 12th Postoperative Week Onward
• Gradual return to full weight-bearing is now allowed.
• Physical Therapy:
• Should still be attended once per week to monitor progress, introduce new exercises, and set new goals.
• Self-Guided Training:
• Patients should consistently perform rehabilitation exercises multiple times daily.
Best regards,
PD Dr. Florian Grubhofer